Medi-Cal Planning Los Angeles Senior Citizens Need And Can Take Advantage Of

By Shirley Ellis

People approach growing older in different ways. Some just ignore the fact that they don't have as much energy or are as strong as they once were. Fortunate seniors enjoy their retirement years traveling and doing the things they never had time to do when they were busy with careers and children to care for. Some prudent older individuals recognize there may come a time when they need extra help and care. They know careful Medi-cal planning Los Angeles others have talked to them about is very important.

Some older people prefer to bury their heads in the sand and ignore the obvious signs of aging. They put off the day when they have to sit down with family to discuss the realities of their medical and financial situation. Others have a more pragmatic view. These individuals decide to make plans in advance in the event they find themselves facing the prospect of long term health care.

It just makes sense to get your affairs in order when you are still strong and alert enough to make informed decisions. Going into a nursing facility is not the first choice for most people, but it may become the reality. If this is the case, you want to be in a position to retain the assets you have amassed over your lifetime. If you don't, you may find yourself without the resources you need to ensure the most skilled care available.

Medi-Cal is one of the options you have if you are a California resident. Most people mistakenly presume this kind of government assistance is only for the neediest citizens, but that is incorrect. Even those with substantial assets can qualify if you have someone on your side who has the knowledge and expertise to wade through the state's changing rules and regulations. This is probably not something you can tackle on your own.

Married people definitely have an advantage when it comes to financial qualifications. A couple is allowed more than a hundred thousand dollars in cash and a home of any value when applying. It doesn't matter to the state how much money the well spouse earns as long as the affected spouse qualifies.

The situation is very different for a single individual. In order to qualify, this person can show about two thousand dollars in cash, have a vehicle, and own a home. A good attorney can find ways for a person in this situation to retain substantial assets and still qualify though.

The state of California is currently trying to change the rules about how they can recover money paid out in Medi-cal after a person dies. They can go after the deceased's estate unless assets have been transferred out of their name before that happens. Once again, you and your family will need a good lawyer to help you make the necessary plans to avoid the state suing for recovery.

The last of life can be challenging, and planning early is key. You have options and rights that can be put in place if you are realistic and do your homework.

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