How Pre Employment Drug Screening Benefits Companies

By Jerri Perry

A productive workforce is a big asset for a company, however, when bad employees find their way into a workforce, they can cause trouble. It is essential that businesses make use of pre employment drug screening to prevent bad cadre of employees from joining a company. Many conflicts in workplace could be caused by irresponsible workers. Companies need to make sure that they properly screen workers before hiring them especially in sensitive positions.

The hiring process is a complex procedure, which has many parameters to be checked. From the background screening to the drug tests, the employer has to make sure the candidates hired are right people to join the company. The interview process has many aspects to be looked at including the qualifications and experience of the candidates.

Nonetheless, these qualifications may not be relied upon as the only parameters to consider when hiring employees. Therefore, other aspects like drugs tests should be performed in employees who are expected to join sensitive positions such as drivers. Not all employees may be tested of drugs use, but those who work in areas, which present potential risks and safety concerns to other employees and the public, should be tested.

To avert such cases, it is essential that job applications pass the drug tests. The beneficiaries with work or job obligations are mandated to take and pass tests when they are asked for one. This is part of the application process for most suitable jobs, which directly or indirectly impact on the safety of workers and other people. Workplaces should be safe for employees.

The effects of drugs cause different problems to workers. The workers may become unproductive in their respective duties. Workers are an asset to a company but when they become unproductive, they become liabilities. The turnover of employees is likely to increase in companies, which do not screen their employees of substance abuse.

Because of the potential dangers these worker present to the other employees, employers have to make important decisions to dismiss them from their duties. However, this is a something, which costs companies money. When you lay off an employee, you have to seek for another to take charge of the position, which is left vacant. The hiring process itself takes a lot of resources including time and money. To prevent such losses, companies should screen the workers before employing them.

The employees are tested to determine if they use drugs and if found that they indeed take substances, then the employer can take appropriate measures. Workers who use drugs portray a bad image for a company. Drugs use is likely to bring problems with the public and consumers. In addition, such workers may also indulge in other behaviors such as bullying and violence.

However, these are things, which can be prevented by use of proper scrutiny and testing of the candidates before they are employed in the first place. When the pre employment drug screening is applied correctly, it can help companies improve their productivity. It reduces crimes and violence in workplace while also minimizing theft. Besides, such tests help prevent attitude problems in workers, which can affect the quality of services they offer to customers.

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