How to Make Local SEO Work for Your Business

By Jeremy Rob

Since there are lots of new company startups offering localized services, local SEO is becoming a very important and highly desirable skill these days. There are many reasons why you would want to use local SEO but the biggest one is that it helps you tap into markets that are less competitive and highly responsive. No matter what business you're running, you can always benefit from local SEO because there will always be clients around you. Thus, you will be able to increase the size of your company in a new direction and find more targeted prospective clients. In the following article we will be looking into 3 hot local SEO tips that will help you get ranked for the right keywords, for your targeted area.

The best tip you can get from an SEO Sacramento expert would be to get into your customer's shoes and think like them. You need to start peeking into your customer's mind to know how they would approach searching online. In other words, try to analyze what would your customers enter in the search box to find your site and buy your products. Let's assume that you are in the furniture business and you sell a wide range of furniture including tables, chairs, sofas, etc. However, will the searcher be able to find you if they enter "bed" into the search bar when your niche is office furniture? Will that be an adequate combination? Certainly not. On the other hand, a suitable match would be "office computer table." Don't be tempted to use broad keywords as they might bring in plenty of traffic but their conversion rates won't be all that good. You need to employ less popular keywords that are more targeted but offer a greater chance of you getting a customer.

If you want everyone on a local level to know about your site then you need to be open about asking for people to post reviews. If you don't employ this tactic, you will be missing out on a lot of great opportunities. You will find that the majority of local sites have absolutely no problem with you requesting reviews and communicating with your customers. So why not take advantage of this simple tip?

It's simply an issue of taking enough time to ask your customers personally to provide a review for you. This doesn't require you to go out and discuss it individually. You could put up a simple message like "If you could take the time to post a quick review of our company on Yahoo local/Google/Bing, we would greatly appreciate it." This message could be put on your thank you page (after they contact you or sign up for your ezine), in your email signature and on your website. You will find that these reviews will bring you more customers by increasing your credibility, no matter if they are great, terrible or ugly.

There are a lot of reasons why people have poor results with SEO, and often times it's the details that are overlooked or ignored. So we'll urge you to do things the right way as much as possible, and take care of the little things the best you can. Here's something you can do, and that is to find some means by which you can get do activities in your local town or city. There's nothing like good press, as you know, and it can sometimes work very fast and effectively. You know where your customers are, so then you can simply make a strategy for getting local exposure. This is something that helps, and you can think of it in terms of the little things that add up to a lot. When more people know who you are, and they pay a visit to your business website; all that traffic helps your rankings with PR.

There are lots of businesses, offline types, that are enjoying more traffic simply because they used local SEO. You can do local SEO yourself if you want because there isn't much to it and it's easy to do. You will also notice that once you have everything in place, then sometimes traffic can increase a lot and very quickly. Just be careful you don't create a situation where you have more customers and can't handle the increase. And the best part about this traffic is that it converts really well because of the location.

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