Tips To Avoid A Bad Licensed Marriage And Family Therapist

By Harriett Crosby

One of the red flags that people should pay attention to when hiring a licensed marriage and family therapist is when the latter behaves unethically. This might cover from having romantic interest to giving sexual advances. Some might also ignore the set confidentiality standards and emergency protocols for this work.

It is also a red flag if the person finds the recommendations of the said professional to be against one's beliefs. Do not force one's self to follow the recommendations given by the said professional that comes in conflict with one's beliefs and values. The person's chosen professional should be capable of working within one's own value system.

The couples will surely have lots of things they want to clarify with this professional. The red flag here is when the said professional actually dodges whatever questions the client have in mind. Just make sure to state reasonable questions. Otherwise, one will surely not be able to get satisfactory answers no matter what the professional says.

Try to determine if this professional is the type to over-share. If the said professional actually over-shares, they might end up getting pity from their client. They will just pull their clients into the wrong direction for the therapy. If the counselor discloses something, it should be for the purpose of helping the client with their issues.

At times, people might end up feeling worse during each session. This is fine if the client feels them once or twice. It is a different matter when the client feels bad after every session or on a regular manner, though. They should immediately change the professional handling their issues if this is the case. There is something not right with this.

Feeling bad may also refer to feeling emotionally unsafe, shamed, or judged. If the person actually feels any of these feelings after every session, then it is better to hire another counselor to take on the job. Just because a couple's domestic life is troubled does not mean that other people can just scrutinize them. Set up healthy boundaries with regards to the therapy.

Relying on counselors should be a good thing if the latter is someone who hears the client's issues well. It is definitely a red flag for people when their counselor actually asks them to repeat information every other session. Even if the details are not verbatim, at least having them remember the key details is a must.

Try to look for a professional who does not disrupt the sessions. It is very unprofessional for the counselor to interrupt the session just because of a single phone call or text message. Unless it is an emergency, that will be inexcusable. Also, it is very unprofessional if the said counselor actually falls asleep while listening to their client's issues or talks.

At times, couples may end up not feeling right with the said professional. They should try to stress importance into trusting their gut. If their instinct tells them that their licensed marriage and family therapist is not the right professional to talk to, then it is better to look for another one to share the couple's problems to. People's instincts are usually more reliable than any other senses.

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